

February 2, 2021
13:00     13:20     CONFERENCE OPENING
13:00 13:05 Welcome
13:05 13:15 Opening words by Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia
13:15 13:20 Opening words by Arnoud Heeres, Coordinator Internal Security Fund Police - EU policies, European Commission
13:20 15:05 Background session
13:20 13:45 Arnout Ruifrok, Senior Scientist, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Netherlands Introduction to facial recognition technology and its forensic applications, Q&A
13:45 14:20 Catherine Jasserand, Catholic University of Leuven, CiTiP imec (Research Center), Belgium EU data protection framework: collection, use, and exchange of facial images, Q&A
14:20 15:05 Richard Rinkens, European Commission Quo Vadis Prüm?, Q&A
15:05 15:15 Break
15:15 16:50 Scientific and technical aspects session
15:15 15:50 Patrick Grother, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA Performance factors in automated face recognition, Q&A
15:50 16:15 Elisabet Leitet, Forensic Expert, National Forensic Centre, Swedish Police Authority, Sweden Validation experience from implementation of facial recognition in Sweden
16:15 16:50 Sébastien Marcel, Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland Biometric presentation attack detection, Q&A
16:50 17:00 Break
17:00 18:00 Panel discussion

Moderator: Arnout Ruifrok, Senior Scientist, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Netherlands

Panel members:

Sergio Castro Martínez, National Police, Spain

Zsuzsanna Bartha, Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences, Hungary

Patrick Grother, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Patrick Rolfes, Federal Criminal Police Office, Germany

Technical and implementation aspects of facial recognition, Q&A


18:00 18:05 Summary of day 1
February 3, 2021
13:00 14:40 TELEFI project session
13:00 13:25 Raimonds Apinis, Deputy Director, State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia, Latvia TELEFI project introduction
13:25 14:10 Andra Sirgmets, Forensic Expert, Estonian Forensic Science Institute, Estonia TELEFI project results
14:10 14:25 Gunnar Tasa, Head of Department, Estonian Forensic Science Institute, Estonia TELEFI project recommendations
14:25 14:40 Session Q&A
14:40 14:50 Break
14:50 16:30 End-user experience session
14:50 15:20 Patrick Rolfes, Federal Criminal Police Office, Germany Face recognition in Germany, Q&A
15:20 15:45 Frédérick Rehault, French National Gendarmerie, France Facial recognition in the French Gendarmerie, Q&A
15:45 16:10 John A.J.M. Riemen, Center for Biometrics, Dutch Police, The Netherlands Implementing and managing a (national) facial recognition system from a business perspective, Q&A
16:10 16:30 Anthony Laird, Forensic Examiner, National Bureau of Investigation, Finland So what are we talking about? Consideration of some of the issues facing the use of facial images in relation to criminal investigations, a suggested route forward, Q&A
16:30 16:40 Break
16:40 17:40 Panel discussion
    Moderator: Didier Meuwly, Principal Scientist, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Netherlands EU way forward on facial recognition, Q&A
    Panel members:

Zuzana Némethová, Institute of Forensic Science, Slovakia

Reinhard Schmid, Criminal Intelligence Service, Ministry of Interior, Austria

Richard Rinkens, European Commission

Andra Sirgmets, Forensic Expert, Estonian Forensic Science Institute, Estonia

17:40 17:45 Summary of day 2 and conference closing


All times are in Eastern European Time zone (UTC +2).

Conference starts in...